I was part of a team (as the Lead Software Developer/Software Architect) working on TouchCORE, which is a multitouch-enabled tool for agile concern-oriented software design modeling aimed at developing scalable and reusable software design models.
Besides the main focus being on reuse, the tool also focuses on allowing to quickly and seamlessly build software design models. It provides a touch-based interface allowing to use multitouch gestures besides using the traditional keyboard and mouse. For example, I designed the sequence diagram editor that allows to define the behaviour for the given class diagram in a fast and intuitive way. At the end, the user can generate code for the design.
The backend is built with the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) and the frontend with MT4j to provide the touch-based interface.
Skills/Technologies: Java, OOP, Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF), XML, Code generation, JUnit, GUI, Git, Bitbucket (Issue Tracker, Pull Requests, Code Reviews, Wiki)