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How to use OCL when running EMF standalone

This post is archived. It is left as is and won't receive updates.

If you are using the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) standalone, i.e., you are not running it in an Eclipse-based environment, and you want to use OCL, some additional steps have to be performed besides registering your resource factory.

This description is for the MDT OCL project which can be found and installed from the Juno update site under Modeling > OCL Examples and Editors.


See the update for Eclipse Mars.

For the sake of completeness this is the code necessary to register a resource factory to be able to load your model files:

// Register the XMI resource factory for the any extension
Resource.Factory.Registry registry = Resource.Factory.Registry.INSTANCE;
Map<String, Object> map = registry.getExtensionToFactoryMap();
map.put("*", new XMIResourceFactoryImpl()); // or specifically state your file extension

// initialize your package

If you are using your own resource factory, e.g., to force generation of unique IDs when serializing your model, replace XMIResourceFactoryImpl with your own.

To use OCL as well use the following:

// Register Pivot globally (resourceSet == null)
// Alternatively register it just for your resource set (see Javadoc).

String oclDelegateURI = OCLDelegateDomain.OCL_DELEGATE_URI_PIVOT;
    new OCLInvocationDelegateFactory.Global());
    new OCLSettingDelegateFactory.Global());
    new OCLValidationDelegateFactory.Global());

// Install the OCL standard library.

This requires dependencies to org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.oclinecore and (as David pointed out in the comments, thanks!). EMF itself requires org.eclipse.emf.ecore and org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.

If you encounter a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/eclipse/uml2/uml/Type exception during runtime when calling OCLinEcoreStandaloneSetup.doSetup(), you need to add a dependency to org.eclipse.uml2.uml.resources as well. This is because starting with Eclipse Luna OCLInEcore does not re-export UML anymore.

Updates to this blog post

  • 07.12.2012: Added missing call to install the OCL standard library and dependencies.
  • 28.06.2014: Added missing UML dependency for Eclipse Luna.
  • Update 18.08.2015: Updated for Eclipe Mars (in separate post).

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