Software Engineer

Month: August 2015

MT4j with Processing 2

In our TouchCORE project at the Software Engineering Lab at McGill University, we use MT4j (Multitouch for Java) for the multitouch-enabled user interface.

For a long time, we had the problem that we couldn’t run it on OSX using Java 7 and newer, because it is based on an older version of Processing (1.x), which in turn uses an old version of JOGL (Java Binding for the OpenGL API). That version is only compatible with the Java supplied by Apple. As we know, they stopped support with Java 6.

We grudgingly lived with this state for a long time, which meant that OSX users needed to download and use an old version of Java. Now, with the new release of Eclipse Mars, support for Java 6 was dropped, i.e., Java 7 or greater is required. We wanted to update to Mars, and since we use some Eclipse plugins, such as the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF), we needed to use at least Java 7.

This finally pushed us to update MT4j ourselves. With the help of the UltraCom project who did the same but added a ton of other stuff. Based on their commits we managed to update it on our copy (which already had some minor improvements) of MT4j’s last official release v0.98.

We put it up on GitHub so hopefully other people can benefit from it:

How to use OCL when running EMF standalone with Eclipse Mars

I previously explained on how to use OCL when running EMF in standalone (not as an Eclipse application). This method works until Eclipse Luna. With Eclipse Mars, OCL was heavily updated again. For instance, it was promoted out of the examples space.

The good thing is it seems to be much easier to initialize it now. Add a dependency to org.eclipse.ocl.xtext.completeocl and use the following code:


Move more than one directory into a new repository

I just realized that my previous post on how to move one directory from one repository to another really only works for one directory.

Fortunately, there is a very easy solution to that using a nice little tool called git_filter.

Basically follow the instructions of it’s README. Then, all I did was put the two directories into the filter file. It is important to note here that this file had to end with an empty line in my case, otherwise the last directory will be ignored.

You will get a new branch, which can be pushed to an empty repository:

git remote add origin_repoB <url of repo>
git push origin_repoB <localBranch>:master

It also works for one directory and is a lot faster compared to the other method.

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