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LyX: Installing unknown document classes

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If you either received a LyX file that uses a document class unknown to your LyX installation or you would like to create a document using one of the options in the settings dialog, you need to install that document class.

This description is for Mac OS based on the latest version of MacTeX (as of May 28th 2012 this is MacTeX-2011), but should work with any version.

PostgreSQL accepts any or no password when connecting

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When connecting to the database with the postgres user I realized it accepts any password or no password even though the user has a password set. I don't know if this happens also when using the installer to install PostgreSQL. In my case I used initdb to set it up.

I remember it mentioned something regarding "trust" after setting it up but didn't take much notice until I realized it accepts any password.

In pg_hba.conf it adds all local connections to be trusted which means connecting from the same host doesn't require authentication.

host    all             all               trust

If you don't like that just change it to another method.

Using multiple SVN clients with the svn+ssh protocol and a putty profile

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When trying to access an SVN repository using the svn+ssh protocol with TortoiseSVN it might happen that the password prompt shows up endless times. One suggested solution is to set up a profile in putty and use a private key for authentication for SSH there. Then in TortoiseSVN the host name just has to be changed to the name of the profile, e.g., svn+ssh://username@puttyProfileName/path/to/repo.

This works well until trying to reuse the stored SVN information of your local working copy in another client, for example your IDE. In my case I am using Eclipse with the Subclipse plug-in, and my first approach didn't work with Subclipse. This meant I couldn't do any team actions from within Eclipse when the projects where checked out using TortoiseSVN. If you are only using either of them it works fine.

The solution is quite simple: Rename the putty profile to the actual hostname and use the regular URL for the repository. That's it. If you've used the putty profile name before just use relocate in TortoiseSVN to change the repository URL. TortoiseSVN will then still use the putty profile with the private key to authenticate. Other clients like Subclipse see it as an actual hostname and are able to use that.

Hide star besides email addresses in Thunderbird

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If you—for some reason—don't like the yellow (for contacts in your address book) or gray (for unknown contacts) star next to email addresses in the message header there's a simple way on how to hide it.

If you don't have one yet, all it needs is a file called userChrome.css inside a folder called chrome inside your profile folder. Add the following content:

.emailStar {
    display: none !important;

If you ever want to see it again just delete those lines.

Thunderbird Extension: Toggle Headers

After updating my Thunderbird to the current version there was one extension not working anymore: Headers Toggle. Even manually adjusting maxVersion in the install.RDF to pretend it's compatible didn't work. This extension allowed you to switch the headers view between seeing all headers (All) and the most important header information (Normal) with a single key shortcut H. Unfortunately this extension hasn't been updated in a long time.

I created a new Thunderbird extension called Toggle Headers that allows you to do this and works with the current (and upcoming) Thunderbird version.

Update: The newest version (0.3) of Toggle Headers  is compatible with CompactHeaders. When both are used at the same time the current state of the headers view is taken into account:

  • when collapsed and H is pressed, the headers view will be expanded and all headers shown
  • pressing H again will switch back to the normal headers view but also collapse the view again (the previous state is remembered)

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